Less social media and more focus on family

Cabinets left open, laundry half done, paperwork started and left unfinished… that’s me these days. Actually this has been occurring for the past eight years to be exact. Eight being the age of my oldest child, so I’m thinking this is purely a scattered mom thing.

Last night I scrolled through old posts and I wanted to pull the blanket over my head and hide! They were so scattered! My brain is a cluttered mess! I think it may have something to do with having children, but it’s also a Jill thing! I have so many ideas and thoughts occurring at once that I often forget what I started!

In fact, today, I was watching my daughters softball game, having a conversation with a friend… and she’s like, “Jill! You just shared ten thoughts in that sentence!”

I didn’t even realize it’s gotten so bad!

Thankfully, I only forgot my daughter once!

That was a definite mom fail. I was leaving the school playground lost in thought, thinking about all the stuff I had to do, almost to my car, when I realized I didn’t have her with me! This is the third child I am talking about by the way…if that makes it any more palatable… you know what they say about the third kid!

In the past month, I changed my kids YouTube Channel’s name so many times, the site stopped letting me change it! I started three new blogs and then deleted them! I start projects, ideas, and plans but get so overwhelmed with all of the thoughts that I don’t get anywhere!

I wish someone could be in charge of my brain waves and direct all the content and information on a steady path! Obviously that’s never going to happen! For now it’s just me trying to keep things focused and simple.

I owe it to my kids and husband to be present and focused. If I’m bogged down with so many ideas and thoughts I can’t be of much use!

One of my goals is less social media reading because the hours of your life you just piss away reading about other people is a real life snatcher! I know this is a bit of a hypocritical statement being that this a blog but I said less, not quitting!

I think all of us know, deep inside, what really matters… and it’s not on the phone, Ipad, or latest obsession one might be into!

More bonding, less iPad, less media, less whatever it is taking you away from your kids

Five Reasons I Will Miss Winter

We are always running late! Maybe if I take a video of all of us in the morning, send it to the principal, she’ll see the struggle, take pity on me, and consider erasing those tardies from the report card?

Between the knots in the girls’ hair( what the hell happens between bedtime and morning? It’s like squirrels have a party in their hair! ) the crying fits of the little one, and the high maintenance demands at breakfast ( can I have one glass of juice diluted with water, one plain glass of water, pancakes with syrup on the side, syrup on top, and one with no syrup at all, just fresh fruit …I mean I hate to complain about that one, but come on… I’m just trying to get all three out of the house… and on time to school.


God forbid I let my daughter walk to school in this day and age.. never know who is lurking in a shadowy corner ready to snatch her up in a suspicious looking white van ! Oh wait, we had that same story circulating in town back when I was a kid… and I did walk to school, and it was a long walk! Hmmm….maybe I’ll reconsider?

In any case, this morning was no exception, the typical flurry of missing shoes and lost blankets ( so imperative for that long 1 minute trip to school!) and I realized we were going to be late again if we didn’t leave at that very second … then I saw what I was wearing … my pajamas, gross shirt, no bra… and my hair, well that always looks terrible in the morning…How many busy moms out there run into a friend outside the Mom life routine and they’re like “Wow, you look amazing? What have you done with yourself?

And your like racking your brain for what you could have possibly done differently… oh right…

“Um, I took a shower….”

Oh the life of a busy mommy…

As I was sprinting out the door, screaming toddler in my arms, I realized that I was actually going to miss the cold, comforting routine of winter.

“Are you crazy?” I can hear the disbelief in your thoughts as well as mine…but let me tell you why…here are my five reasons I will miss winter.


1 Big Puffy Jacket –  Oh what hides beneath the dark, forgiving, comfy winter coat. Need I say more?

Woman all dressed in fur.

2 Tall Winter Boots- It’s such a simple look to pull off in the winter… leggings or joggers and boots…no sock issues – they can be high, short, mismatched, or no socks at all.

No need to worry about that patch of stubble on your ankle that you missed.

No need to be concerned about being fashionable! Who is thinking about that when you are freezing!

3 No fighting with kids about what to wear?

“Can I wear shorts?” They beg when the weather is questionable.

“I don’t need a jacket!” Yes you do. I don’t feel like getting another email from a teacher about this issue.

“I was so hot today at school mom! Or I was so cold today at school.” “You never tell me the right thing to wear!”

“Sigh…” mom hangs her head in shame beating herself up for her outfit choice mistakes…JUST KIDDING… I’m nothing like that- I’m more of a “Quit your complaining and move on kid” kind of a mom. But it is annoying having to hear it.

The changing of the season just adds an element of uncertainty and extra steps that I don’t have time for!

4 Red wine and baking

There is nothing more comforting than sipping a full bodied red, warm cinnamon and chocolate wafting through the air ( whatever it is I’m baking at the time) and not caring about the calories… Bathing suit and bothersome body worries buried far below the cozy forgiving sweaters….


5 Control of my kids

When it’s cold out, everyone is happy to stay inside, all together, and I know where everyone is…the kids rush to the warmth of the car after school or their activities,  content to mostly be home. I can get things done, keep my house relatively clean, and have a little down time… but when the sun is out, they are ladies of the land… always wanting to be outside, play after school, running out the door, leaving a wailing Lexi behind, doors open, bugs flying in, coming in/coming out – leaving a trail of dirt and mud wherever they go. They want to ride bikes, scooters, go to the park… which is great ! Truly … it’s just I have to take them and it’s just more stuff to do. I know, I know – kids need to get out and get off their IPads ! You’re like stop whining and just take your damn kids to the park! I get it.

I’m just being honest here.

So there it is… I will miss you winter. Time to diet, get out the bug spray, work on my outside screaming voice, shave, and start wearing a bra to pickup!

Continue reading “Five Reasons I Will Miss Winter”

If I was a self help book I’d throw myself over a cliff

“Moving towards balance…letting go, quitting sweets, quitting baking, getting over people pleasing, going to start taking care of myself, exercising, accepting my body, slowing down…blah, blah, blah….I truly feel like if I was a self help book, I would throw myself over the cliff.

None of this crappolla is important, really. Its utter crap, it’s not positive, funny, or real.


It’s like I am addicted to proclamations. It’s probably America – we’re obsessed with life change, makeovers, transformations, and success stories…pick up any magazine and it always features happy people touting their latest life change or decision to live a different life…I’m not completely knocking these inspirational type of stories…it’s just the more we hear about Jane quitting her job, starting the business of her dreams, losing 20 pounds, giving up gluten, and practicing yoga…you start to kind of think – well, maybe Jane has all the answers. She just looks so freakin happy…




This sort of thing has always sucked me in… Any kind of a change, seemed dramatic, exciting, challenging, and the answer to me being stuck in a rut.

The title says secrets to being happy from the Inside out…that sounds like you just have to read it, right?

When something doesn’t feel right, or I am feeling something I don’t want to be feeling, like frustration, unhappiness, disillusionment, sadness, or just boredom, I make some major proclamation. Instead of just owning the feeling. I think that’s what addicts do, right?

This one promises me to get a life that doesn’t suck! Woo hoo

For example, the baking… I baked a lot for the past two years. And then, just recently, I simply didn’t feel like it. I didn’t really have a clear explanation. I just had no desire to get out the bowls and the flour. When I think about this rationally, it was probably just me being tired and busy with the regular hectic life of a mom of little ones.

Not a lick of make up- dirty hair- and chipped nail polish – that’s pretty brave of me to show this gross pic that Gia snapped of me.

How about I just write/ speak about my true feelings… Like “Hey everyone, I am in a funk. I’m tired, I’m probably going to bring you some munchkins today, because the thought of baking is truly exhausting… But maybe I’ll feel like whipping up some blondies in a couple of weeks, or maybe not! ”

Or ” I am just not feeling my cutest, can we just hang out in our sweats and drink wine and eat pizza? ”

I officially quit proclamations.

Life is full of enough interesting things to read about/talk about right? Like the fact that Arianna pooped on the bathroom floor at the library yesterday and tried to pick it up.

Eeewwww! I don’t know how this happened. She has been using the potty regularly now for a while.

But that’s life. And I think we would all rather read about that, wouldn’t we?

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