The End of the day is like mile 23 of the marathon


The end of the day is like mile 23 of the marathon…so so tired, not a lot of fans (at least that’s how it was for me in the Marine Corps Marathon, Washington D.C.) and just craving the finish line (in this case, it’s bed- for them).

It’s six pm and I am weary, like the muscles in my shoulders are sore and tense from picking up little one, picking up toys, and being on my feet all day, simply tired of battling every step of the way – hearing the ever constant favorite saying of a two year old- “NO!” – the groans and moans, hitting each other, and the constant repeating “no,” by me.

“Can we please stay at the park?”

“Can I have more cookies, more fruit, more popcorn, more, more, more!” They always want more.

“Can I eat ice cream for lunch?”

“Can I eat on the couch?”


Then there’s the bringing them to gymnastics, the park, and the usual madness that occurs in my house.

I look at the clock- three hours to go…as I am serving them dinner, – oh great, another mess to clean up as little is up and out of her seat every two minutes, touching the chair, spilling on the floor, and running to the family room- I swear she has food ADD, she cannot sit and finish her food- she takes a bite or two and then runs around…

OH NO! She gets this from me, I cannot sit and eat either, I take a bite, and then I’m up cleaning something, but that’s because I am just trying to multitask and get everything done – it’s kind of like a game- that I never win!

I feel that if I can be on top of the cleaning and the clutter, I can score a moment to myself, to go sit on the stairs and take a breath.

But, they always find me…take today, for example, it was 4pm and I was finally eating lunch, and I sat down with my yogurt and strawberries, and within 30 seconds, Ari was like “Oh strawberries, can I have some, can I have some yogurt?”

Ugh- I don’t want to deny my children food, especially when it’s healthy, but she just ate…but then my mind starts thinking, Well, what if she is hungry? But it’s so close to dinner- but she doesn’t eat very well anyway, might as well make her a yogurt snack.

Ok, get up to make her yogurt mixture, dollop of the honey, shake of cinnamon, handful of raisins and strawberries.  She takes one bite and is off and running. Sigh















































































7 thoughts on “The End of the day is like mile 23 of the marathon

  1. I ate at 4pm too. Bloody Mary by 7pm. When the clock strikes 4 I feel accomplished, like just a few more hours to go till my man comes home and can take the reigns. Ahh….


  2. Your day sounds like my day. That’s why I can’t lose weight: I can only eat after they’re in bed, lol! It’s true though, you feel exhausted at the end of the day. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a working mom, because then you have double the work and exhaustion 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jill

      Hi! Thanks love not feeling alone! Just curious how Did you see my blog on the mom bloggers club? Are they posted? I kind of forgot I signed up for that.


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